Pechone Stepps Benefit Golf Tournament
“Imagine & Believe” Benefit Golf Tournament for PECHONE STEPPS (proceeds to help cover specialized rehab not covered by insurance for Pechone Stepps) www.questtowalk.org
I, Pechone Stepps, am interested in sharing my story with you.
On May 24, 2002, I was traveling with my parents to a family reunion in Marianna, Arkansas. While traveling through Fayetteville, the vehicle I was riding in had a flat tire. After pulling off the road to the nearest exit for safety, my brother, Travis, and I started fixing the flat. I was lying underneath the truck looking for a place to set the jack when an underage drunk driver,turning onto the exit, lost control of his SUV and crashed into the back of our vehicle which then ran over me.
As a result of the accident, my neck was broken at the C7-T1 vertebrae, which caused damage to my spinal cord, leaving me paralyzed from the waist down. Because of that accident, I was unable to return to my position as basketball coach at St. John's University (Division I) in New York.I spent four months at Craig Spinal Cord Rehab Center in Denver, Colorado;however, doctors weren’t very optimistic about my recovery.
When one suffers trauma to the spinal cord, there are varying degrees of loss of mobility and body function. I have found that having an SCI is almost like becoming a baby all over again.Over the course of my rehab, I have had to re-train my body how to perform basic tasks like sitting up, crawling, and rolling over. There are no guarantees with SCI’s; plus, every case is different.
With the support of family, friends, and some great physical therapists through the years, finally on June 12, 2007, which is 1,845 days later,I took my first real unassisted steps with the aid of a walker. Currently I am employed by USD234 as a para-educator and freshman basketball coach. It has been a long journey, but at least now I can see a light at the end of the tunnel. My faith is strong and I feel that, with the necessary therapy, I am getting closer to my goal of walking again.
I have to continue to “Imagine & Believe!” Thanks to all for your continued prayers and support!
Pechone Stepps Benefit Golf Tournament Fort Scott Country Club,4-man scramble 9am shotgun start - June 12, 2010
Flights depend on # of entrants Several prizes as well as cash prizes will be awarded Entry fee includes golf, golf cart if reserved in advance, and lunch.
Entry Fee: $200 per team Sponsorships: $175
Exclusive Hole Sponsorship: $1000 (includes one team entry)
____I would like to sign up my team ($200)
Team Name: _____________________ Golfer 1__________________________ Golfer 2__________________________ Golfer 3__________________________ Golfer 4__________________________ Contact email: _____________________ Contact Phone: ___________________ We will provide the following # of carts: ___0 ___1 ___2 (please check one)
_____I would like to be a sponsor ($175)
Sponsors Name_______________________ Address: ____________________________ Phone: _____________________________ Email: _____________________________
Send with Payment to: Diana Endicott 1005 S. Main Fort Scott, Ks 66701
___I would like to sponsor a hole exclusively ($1000)
Sponsors Name:_______________________________ Address: ______________________________ Email: ________________________________ Contact Phone _____________________
Contact for information: lfink@usd234.org
Hoskins Group - Send Payment to: Fran Francisco 2827 Lemp Ave St.Louis, MO 63118 Contact for information: Phone 314-422-1142 or
Allison Group - Send Payment to: Vickye Allison Frasier Contact for information:
or Phone 540-370-0786
Make checks payable to: Pechone Stepps Benefit Golf
Pechone Stepps Benefit Golf Tournament -Fort Scott,KS Contact Fran or Vickye for more info
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